Below you can download the annual transparency reporting for the Ferring entities:
- Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S which is the Ferring International PharmaScience Center (IPC) located in Denmark; and
- Ferring Lægemidler A/S (FLAS) that brings pharmaceuticals to the market in Denmark and Iceland within the therapeutic areas of reproductive medicine/maternal health and gastroenterology/urology.
Both entities are members of the industry association for pharmaceuticals in Denmark, “Etisk Nævn for Lægemiddelindustrien” (ENLI).
As per the entities memberships of ENLI, the below are their separate transparency reports.
Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S
Donations and grants for hospitals
IPC Grants and Donations 2024
IPC Grants and Donations 2023
IPC Grants and Donations 2022
IPC Grants and Donations 2021
Collaborations with Patient Organisations
Ferring Lægemidler A/S
Donations and grants for hospitals
FLAS Grants and Donations 2024
FLAS Grants and Donations 2023
FLAS Grants and Donations 2022
FLAS Grants and Donations 2021
FLAS Grants and Donations 2020
FLAS Grants and Donations 2019
FLAS Grants and Donations 2018
Collaborations with Patient Organisations
FLAS Collaborations with Patient Organisations 2023
FLAS Collaborations with Patient Organisations 2021